There's still precious little to report due to having little appetite for walking or wildlife watching in horizontal rain. Since I returned to work, every job which was outside has been carried out in the wet. And every indoor job has been accompanied by sunny skies. Go figure. For example, this week we have had: Monday (outside and dreich), Tuesday (indoors and glorious), Wednesday (outside and dreich), Thursday (was supposed to be outside but ended up being indoors and glorious), Friday (today, outside and dreich). On the plus side, tomorrow is Saturday and should be glo... nope, I'm not going to say it, just in case. Last week I had the good fortune to be working in Shetland (sorting out wifi and connectivity problems in the home) on the day that the whole county had an internet outage thanks to a fishing boat. Smart phones were just paperweights, I couldn't contact a soul. I thought I might have to go all Victorian and write a letter, then remembered that Royal Mail wer...