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The translocation of spiders

Orcadian weather is often in stark contrast to that being experienced further south in the UK. Whilst this often means that whatever our weather is, it is horizontal, today was the happy exception to the rule, with horizon to horizon sunshine and scarcely a breath of wind. It was freezing, mind, but hey, we'll take that.

As it happened, I spent the day moving business premises: packing, dismantling, driving, mantling and unpacking. Repeat. Given the nature of dusty corners, and the nooks and crannies of garages, this was really just an exercise in spider translocation. However, come sunset, I was ready to call it a day and spend the last of the sun's daily spectacle with a camera in hand.

Rose-coloured spectacles not necessary.


  1. I see you employed KSRP (Katie's Spider Relocation Program). Also, unlike my sunrise pics, yours are gorgeous sunset pics. I hope you're happy.

    1. Ha ha, it's fair to say that I have a difficult relationship with spiders. My reactions tend to be more benign if I am not taken by surprise! Everybody's sunrise and sunset pics are gorgeous, it's one of those unwritten rules of nature 😊


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