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After the excitement of a weekend of dragon hunting, things have cooled down over the last few days. There's been a chilly northerly breeze, some welcome rain and a lot of fog. Wildlife watching has been mainly confined to the garden, with a bit of photography possible between the precipitation.

Spring's verdant flourish is long gone, Summer's blousy burgeoning is looking a little weary and there's had to be a concerted effort to tackle thistles and docks. Weirdly, those two absolute thugs of a plant do give some architectural structure to wherever they happen to be growing, trouble is, it's everywhere.

Perhaps due to the drought conditions, everything is rushing to seed, so that it does feel as though a corner has been turned and Summer's wane is underway. However, there is still plenty of colour to appreciate amongst the unruly wildness of this small plot.

Crocosmia 'Lucifer', Mallow and Yellow Loosestrife

Crocosmia 'Lucifer'

There are very few Dandelions or other Compositae in flower now, but this one bloom was on the sheltered side of the house. Many flies had gathered on it to feed and soak up any of the day's warmth. I couldn't help but think of rising sea levels and eight billion humans squeezing on to less and less land.

Mallow, I think, plus a bumblebee

Yellow Loosestrife

A Magpie Moth clings to the underside of a leaf, sheltering from the weather
A hoverfly, Volucella bombylans, a mimic of the bumblebee Bombus lucorum
And finally, please remember that, due to the global pandemic, we're still advised to wash our hands for at least twenty seconds...
