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Mainly at ankle height

On a recent trip to Hoy (not looking for dragons this time), I was obviously in close-up mode. Weather conditions were dry but blustery, so I'm not too sure why my macro shots worked better than my scenic or panorama ones. But my photos of Rackwick Bay and the Old Man of Hoy were all less than satisfying, so here's a selection of the views that were mainly at ground level. Actually, now that I think about it, for many of the flower/insect shots, I was holding the plant stem with my other hand!


Bell Heather


Arctic Bearberry (and Crowberry and Bearberry and Ling)

Norwegian Wasp

An early instar caterpillar of the Fox Moth

On the path back from the Old Man, heading towards Rackwick Bay



Blaeberry (Bilberry). There should've been more berries in this shot, but I wasn't quick enough with my camera before someone ate them 🙄

Hoverfly, Volucella bombylans

On the return route, whilst watching a couple of Small Tortoiseshell butterflies on some thistles, there was a fly-by from a male Common Hawker dragonfly. Sweet!


  1. Replies
    1. If I had annoyed the wasp and been stung, the air might've been blue.


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