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Cool and windy, becoming 'otter

The opportunity for a New Year's Day walk was too much to resist, and a short window of brighter though breezier weather provided the chance. We revisited the route of the previous day, which at least meant I could try and take better photos of the fungus on a fallen bough.

Backlit fern. What fronds are for.

Bare trees, long shadows

Reaching for the skies

Thanks to LJ, I now know that this is the sexual reproductive stage of the coral spot fungus Nectria cinnabarina

The following day saw the first Orkney Field Club outing of 2022, which was a four mile walk in the Finstown area, taking in many habitats including moorland, hedgerows, brackish lagoon and seashore. A dozen or so hardy souls ventured forth, finding a surprising total of twelve wild plants in flower, some lichens, fungi, plenty of birds and a couple of species of mammal.

The best of which was saved for last in the Finstown Ouse, a feeding Otter.
