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The past two weeks have been a bit fraught. Rather than risk losing the house we want, we have taken the scary step of buying without yet selling, but at least things are now moving.

On the allotted day, the 13th of the month, just as the removal guys arrived, the heavens opened. And don't even look at the lorry registration number.

Before lunch time, the contents of Megan's wee house were loaded up, ready for the short 15 minute trip to the sprawling megatropolis of Stromness.

First pole and curtains up... and the weather's improved

The cats are busy exploring every nook and cranny of their new home, but are somewhat miffed at having to remain indoors for the immediate future. Currently, they have an access all areas pass, not like in the old house, so they're taking full advantage of the privilege. 

On the first night in the new property, both Cookie and Mocha were quite restless, pacing the corridor and rooms. Cookie, in particular, was very talkative, not whiny, just gently chuntering away to herself and the world at large that this was an imposition too far. In the wee small hours, Megan got up a couple of times to check on both cats, and then at 3am, I went and sat in the lounge with them for a few hours. Which is how I happened to be awake for the first dawn of a new chapter in the Book of Life.

Mocha snoozing silently

Cookie snoring sonorously

So now we have the task of unpacking all our goods and chattels, or as the cats think of it, creating a maze of empty cardboard boxes and wrapping paper. But at least we're in and looking forward to exploring the paths and tracks of the neighbourhood.

I can't actually decide whether Stromness is a big village or a small town? No matter, it is a place of narrow picturesque lanes, steep flagstone-lined alleys, a harbour front and much joyful quirkiness. We're on the northern edge of the place, up a hill and along a track, with views to the east and west. It is quite novel having local facilities and being able to walk to them (Megan - hairdresser's; me - garage, as my van broke down the day before the move). On her return from the hairdresser's, Megan asked if I had seen anything untoward on my walk to the garage to collect the repaired van? Apparently, I had missed a couple exercising their pet on the local sports pitch, a large blue and yellow macaw. I did say it was a quirky place.


  1. Happy new home. Hope you all settle quickly. Certainly a good place for sunrises:) B x

    1. Thank you. Wait until you see the photos of the front garden... it is profusely populated with docks 😲

  2. like the 'azure' dragonfly on the cushion 🤣

    1. If we're going to have soft furnishings, they might as well be wildlife-themed! We may return to this topic...


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