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February 2.0

May was such a wonderful month this year. Traditionally, it's our driest period of the year, but often with that lingering chill from a tenacious Winter before its grip is gently prised loose by a resurgent Summer. This one was warmer and sunnier than I can recall in my short time here, which is perhaps why June has been a bit of a shock. In fact, I have stopped calling it June, it's February all over again, being wet, windy and flippin' cold. But Summer is not so easily put off, and yesterday we had a glimpse of what could be, with a warm, sunny day where everyone in the county who was able to do so was either hanging out washing to dry or mowing the lawn. Or both! Today we have returned to the utmost dreich weather, so if you'll allow me the indulgence to cheer myself up, here's some photos from the garden yesterday.

A hybrid Marsh Orchid, Northern x ????

Orchid in the drying green

An area we're slowly filling with wildflowers from locally-foraged seed 

Fox and Cubs - Orange Hawkweed

Trees to plant once the plot behind us has been built upon

Kidney Vetch close-up with bonus Harvestman

More Kidney Vetch

Today, we attended an Orkney Field Club bioblitz in association with the Friends of Happy Valley. I would love to tell you that we were bathed in glorious sunshine throughout, but I had five layers on my top half, with fleecy trousers, waterproof leggings and wellies on my lower half. In a spirit of positivity, let's just say that we had fantastic views of some insects, it being too cold for them to fly away.


  1. Well in Lincoln this is my 37th summer working outside and its blinkin ridiculous! The other morning it was 7°C, in the middle of flippin June! I still think Summer is flexing its muscles though and we will soon be chasing butterflies around like we were in April.

    1. This may be a stupid question but are you busier at certain times of year? [Asks the chap who is happy for the rain to pressure wash the windows]

  2. Pretty much the same all year really but the only thing that stops me working is darkness so perhaps a wee bit more latitude in summer months.


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