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In no particular order

Pedantic? Me? Yeah, a bit, probably.

When it comes to having photos in date order in a blogpost, it is less stressful when everything is photographed with the same device, so that the file names are sequential. At least approximately, depending upon how many I have deleted for not being in focus, those that do not actually have the subject in them or are of my feet. Mostly, this is so (the order thing, not the accidental photos of my feet) but if I've used various cameras and my phone to take the images, they will all have different file prefixes courtesy of Panasonic, Canon and Apple. In this situation, I would usually renumber everything with a digit in front of the prefix so that the photos appear in the order I would like.

Yes, you're correct, I could sort the images by date and time, which would help, but I am not reliable or quite pedantic enough to have each device on the same time zone. Some automatically follow daylight saving time, others don't and could be set to either GMT or BST depending upon which time of year I originally purchased them. So whilst the date would very likely be the same, the images might still be all over the place in time.

Of course, even if I have managed to sort out the temporal and administrative order, there's the infuriating and intermittent Blogger glitch which uploads a selection in reverse order just for the hell of it, which is always guaranteed to sprinkle expletives on the floor, sometimes to knee height. When this occurs, my only solution is to delete the photos from the post, then laboriously scroll through, to the very end, all the images which Blogger has saved, patiently select one photo at a time and reload to the post.

So... here's some images from August... in no particular order:

Emerald Damselflies in tandem, which I think are looking like they are about to begin ovipositing. Rackwick, Hoy

A shieldbug, which could be a Heather Shieldbug, and therefore be one of only a few records for the archipelago (at least according to the NBN Scotland atlas). Rackwick, Hoy

A Knot Grass moth caterpillar which seems to have recently moulted from a previous (smaller) instar. Lyness, Hoy

Knot Grass moth caterpillar. Lyness, Hoy

Pegal Burn, Hoy

Pegal Burn, Hoy

Early one dreich morning, taken through the lounge window. Wet hare, straight from the shower

The wildflower margins along Stenness Loch shore at the RSPB Brodgar reserve, with the Hoy Hills in the background

A tiny Oysterplant growing on the beach amongst the Sea Sandwort. Newark Bay, Eastside, South Ronaldsay

OK, time for me to get busy with a dustpan and brush and all those expletives.


  1. Im sure Blogger do things deliberately to infuriate you!

    1. It's the intermittency of it that I find baffling. If the photos uploaded in reverse order all the time, then it's likely to be a setting somewhere, but it's just now and again.


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